Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016

Flatbread Spicy Pizza

Hey Peeps!!! How is everyone out there in cyber world? Over here I'm great. Just moved into my own place, finally moved Tex in and getting all settled. I think that people have been waiting for me to create/ update this blog for a long time. As many of you know I am a pretty big cooker. I love trying new things and mixing it up, the only catch is everything I cook is... HEALTHY! Yup healthy and (for most of what I make) delicious. I have already had 4 people ask me for the recipe of the flatbread pizza I just made. So here it is...

1 slice of flat bread
1 slice of kraft low fat cheese (yes, processed cheese) (only 35 cals)
1/2 a green pepper
1 strip of pinapple cut into chunks
2 tbsp of hummus (I used store bought-this time)
2 hot peppers
8 small slices of tomatoes
and squirts of hot sauce

** I posted a picture of the flat bread I used because I think it's amazing.
- Bought it at Nutrition House in Heartland.

and that's it! I baked it for about 15 minutes at 350 and it was spicy and delicious!

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